
Welcome to the Wellington College Philosophy and Religion website. Here you will find links to articles, podcasts, interesting texts & reading lists that will help you further your study of & beyond syllabus material.

You can use the menu above to find extension ideas for the topics that we cover in the Department.

This site will be particularly useful for those doing an Extended Essay, EPQ, HPQ or essay prize; it is a jumping off point into the veritable "Swan Lake" of knowledge & information in the realms of Theology, Philosophy & Religious Studies.

Information about P&R at Wellington

Thinking of choosing to study GCSE RS / A-Level Philosophy / IB Philosophy? You can find more information here.

Some general websites for P&R extension:

  • In Our Time (Philosophy). The Philosophy section of the BBC's top radio programme for discussions of subjects between experts in language we can all understand.
  • Philosophy Bites. Loads of top-quality Philosophy podcasts.
  • The Religion page on the Gresham College website.
  • Closer to Truth. Scroll through this amazing collection of videos of interviews with the experts on all kinds of intriguing philosophical and religious subjects.
  • University of Chester TRS webinars. Another excellent set of videos, this time from a UK-based university, with a wide range of topics relevant to our A-level, IB and GCSE courses.